A small business website is the most important communication device that a small business has in the digital age. In this article I will list some reasons why every small business should have a website.
More and more folks are turning to the internet to get their information. Be it from looking for a plumber to finding someone to fix their car, or even a nice place to go out to eat on a Friday night. We order food online and we ever order products for ourselves online and have them delivered in two days. Well, you get the picture right?
People Carry smart phones around with them all day. They are constantly looking at theses phones for information. This is truly the Information Age!
Think about the last time you went to the yellow pages. You look for a product or service online, or maybe even for a certain store, and the first place you look is online. You many find a reference to the store online, but then find out they don’t have a website, but a phone number. Are you going to call the number, or just go to the next business that has a website?
Importance Of A Small Business Website
I was visiting a well know organic pet food manufacturer’s website the other day looking for a local retailer. I wanted to purchase the pet food locally, instead of ordering it online. I was excited to find a store about a mile from me.
I immediately searched for them, but they didn’t have a website.
So how would I find out what their store hours were, or if they carried the brand I was looking for?
I could have called them, but I didn’t feel like it since I was on my computer. How much easier would it have been for me, the potential customer, to learn about that store if they had a website?
Instead of calling, I looked up the next store that did have a website. They had a website with all the information I needed. They had their location, with a map, hours and photos of their store and products.
Get the picture? Has the light came on yet?
You shouldn’t ask yourself why you need a website, you should ask yourself why you don’t have one already.
Here are some very important reasons to have a website:
You can bet your competitors will have a website. By not having a website, can you imagine how many customers you may have lost to your competitors that have one.
In the example I gave above, the local pet store lost my business because I went to the next one that had a web site. Who knows, I may eventually get around to calling the other pet store, but until then, they have lost potential business from me.
Convenience And Referrals
Do you have business cards or brochures sitting on your business counter? Well, think of your website as your online business card and brochure to the world. How much does it cost to print up those brochures? Your online brochure is one-and-done and accessible 24/7. You may not need to print brochures ever again.
What if one of your current customer’s wants to refer you to one of their friends? They may not have one of your business cards, but they can refer them to your website.
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. You’ve heard this before, right? A professional looking website shows that you are committed to your business and that the customer is important to you.
You actually might find that customer will like doing business with you because you do have a website. Make that website investment for them.
Develop Relationships
You can build relationships with your customers by having a website and sending them regular updates by email or newsletters to stay in touch.
Customers will find it easier to visit your website and learn and understand about your business. It is also a great tool for customers to contact you 24 hours a day, any day of the week, by email.
What better way to develop that customer relationship them replying to their emails.
This may be the most obvious reason to have a website and why I listed it last.
Advertising can be very inexpensive with a website. You can offer your customers much more information about your products and services on a website then any other form of advertising.
You can make changes to your website, monthly or seasonal, with photos or prices much faster then any other form of advertising. There really is not limit to what you can do with your website.
You can send emails promoting publicizing special offers and events. Having a website is a great way to showcase your business, retain your customers and increase sales!
Have I Convinced You to Get A Website Yet?
One business person I spoke to told me they did not have a website because they did not want any more business. They are in the auto repair market and is as busy as they want to be for the foreseeable future.
If you want more business, having a business website is as much a necessity as a business card. Your website is your digital business card, providing searchers with information about your business and what you can do for them.
Let Me Build Your Business Website
If you want more customers, I hope this article has helped you understand the importance of a website and its relationship to getting more customers. Having a website is a great way to be able to communicate to your potential and existing customers and provide a great way to expand your business.
One Page Website
Consider creating your website today! Check out this example of a one-page brochure type website that I offer to clients. This is a great way to get started with a website if you are on a low budget, and it is fully expandable and customizable to any changes you may want to make now or in the future.
You can always contact me with any questions you may have and together we can build a awesome website for your business.